Curated Canoe Glamping Adventures with Twin River Outfitters

Canamping? Glamooing? Maybe the Turducken captured lightning in a bottle when trying to combine three things into one. Thus, we’ll just stick with Canoe Glamping—the super fun adventure Twin Rivers Outfitters has curated for adventurers who are into roughing it with a touch of convenience. Check out the details below.

Campsite in a wooded area with a large canvas tent, tall wooden table and picnic table.

Glamping campsite accommodations. Photo courtesy of Twin River Outfitters.

Trip Length

You can choose between a two-day, one-night trip or a three-day, two-night trip. “Canampers” will paddle a pre-determined distance to their campsites where a picnic table, fire ring, camp chairs, wall tent with cots, and firewood will be waiting for them.  All you need to pack/bring is clothes, toiletries, a sleeping bag, and food!

You can opt for a camp kitchen for an additional fee!

What’s included?

The two-day trip is $124 per person, and the longer trip is $175 per person. Both packages include the following:

  • Boat rental (choice of kayak, canoe, or raft)
  • Paddles
  • Life jackets
  • Safety orientation
  • River maps
  • Use of dry bags
  • Five-gallon water jugs
  • Access to private land for camping
  • Deluxe campsite accommodations
  • Shuttle
Two men canoeing on the James River on a sunny day.

Canoeing on the James River. Photo courtesy of Twin River Outfitters.

How do I book?

Easy! Click here to book your trip now. Space is limited for these trips, so you’ll want to book in advance (A.K.A. now if you’re interested). And for the record, if you’re really into roughing it, Twin River Outfitters offers several other trip options that don’t include as many accommodations. If you’ve got any questions, we suggest you reach out to Twin River Outfitters at or by calling 540-254-8012.

And of course, be sure to tag Roanoke Outside in all your adventures this summer!